The 2nd TWIN-PEAKS summer school on advanced gasification solutions and the CYSENI conference with a separate TWIN-PEAKS session took place on May 22-25, 2023 in Kaunas, Lithuania. The duration of the Internationals Events at Lithuanian Energy Institute was four days, and it was implemented with a physical presence.  Four days were dedicated to lectures, practical exercises by calculation of parameters of plasma torch, thermogravimetric analysis, as well as study tour to Kaunas Waste Incineration Plant. 30 participants registered for the summer school, of which 19 physically participated, and more than 100 participants were attracted to the conference.

The Summer School and Conference provided an opportunity to PhD students and researchers to share their new ideas, original research results, and practical development experiences. These events' main goal was to discuss advanced gasification solutions, energy, economic issues, and perspectives in view of sustainable development.

To attain these goals, Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) cooperated with Vytautas Magnus university (VMU), Technical University of Munich (TUM), Chalmers University of Technology. This partnership was built on the TWIN-PEAKS project cooperation identified synergies of their research fields, and reflected in an expanded list of Topics (additional TWIN-PEAKS session) for the CYSENI Conference this year.



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